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Write Transactions - .NET SDK

On this page

  • Overview
  • Initiate a Transaction
  • Check the Status of a Transaction

In addition to reading objects, you can create, update, and delete objects from a realm. Because these operations modify the state of the realm, we call them "writes", and all writes to Realm must be within a transaction.

A transaction is a list of read and write operations that Realm treats as a single indivisible operation. A transaction is an all or nothing operation: either all of the operations in the transaction succeed or none of the operations in the transaction take effect.

A realm allows only one open transaction at a time. Realm blocks other writes on other threads until the open transaction is complete. This ensures that there is no race condition when reading values from the realm within a transaction.

When all operations in a transaction complete, Realm either commits it or cancels the transaction:

  • When Realm commits a transaction, Realm writes all changes to disk. For synced realms, the SDK queues the change for synchronization with Atlas App Services.

  • When Realm cancels a write transaction (as when an operation in the transaction causes an error), all changes are discarded (or "rolled back").

The .NET SDK provides a simple API you can use for most writes. The Write() and WriteAsync() and methods wrap all commands into a single transaction and then commit the transaction.

The Write() and WriteAsync() methods are shorthand for using the BeginWrite() and Transaction.Commit() methods, and their Async counterparts. In most cases, either of these two write methods will meet your needs. If you need finer control over the transaction, use BeginWrite() with one of these Transaction methods:

The following code shows how to use both approaches:

// Instantiate a class, as normal.
var dog = new Dog { Id = 42, Name = "Max", Age = 5 };
// Open a thread-safe transaction.
realm.Write(() =>
// Add the instance to the realm.
// Open a thread-safe transaction.
using (var transaction = realm.BeginWrite())
// At this point, the TransactionState is "Running":
// transaction.State == TransactionState.Running
// Perform a write op...
// Do other work that needs to be included in
// this transaction
if (transaction.State == TransactionState.Running)
catch (Exception ex)
// Something went wrong; roll back the transaction
if (transaction.State != TransactionState.RolledBack &&
transaction.State != TransactionState.Committed)



As with most C# async methods, the WriteAsync, BeginWriteAsync, and CommitAsync methods can take a CancellationToken as a parameter, providing you with the option to cancel the operation before the process completes.

The SDK provides a TransactionState property with the current transaction status. You can use TransactionState to ensure you don't commit or rollback a transaction twice:

// Open a thread-safe transaction.
using (var transaction = realm.BeginWrite())
// At this point, the TransactionState is "Running":
// transaction.State == TransactionState.Running
// Perform a write op...
// Do other work that needs to be included in
// this transaction
if (transaction.State == TransactionState.Running)
catch (Exception ex)
// Something went wrong; roll back the transaction
if (transaction.State != TransactionState.RolledBack &&
transaction.State != TransactionState.Committed)